Disciple-making is the process by which a maturing believer invests himself, for a particular period of time, in one or just a few younger believers, in order to help their growth in the faith — including helping them also to invest in others who will invest in others. Such was the lion’s share of Jesus’s “public ministry” — from the time he called to only twelve, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), until he sent them out, “Go, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

Actively making disciples helps us see our lives in better proportion — not with ourselves at the center, doing the big things, but situated happily on the periphery, doing our small part of a big and glorious God-sized plan. It is astonishing that Jesus summons his church to carry out the Great Commission. God uses weak and sinful people to accomplish the work of sending out the call of the gospel into this world. The Great Commission is the task of making disciples from every tribe tongue and nation. The vision is huge — as big as it could be. And yet our part is small. We hope FPC will be a place that fosters grace-oriented disciple makers willing to engage in this mission right here in Greenville and beyond.

Our Global Missionaries

Click on the photos below to read more about their missions.

  • Tim & Kathy

  • Sam & Christa

  • Philip & Yukiko

    For more information, or to sign up for their monthly newsletter, you could contact: philip.brewer@cru.org

  • Nick & Keyna

    For more information, or to sign up for their monthly newsletter, you could contact: nick.castelluccio@athletesinaction.org or keyna.castelluccio@athletesinaction.org

Organizations We Support

Click on the icons below to learn more about that specific organization.

  • GRCC


  • Community Unity

  • FISH Choice Pantry